Sponsor a Singer

This Year
Sponsor a Singer
Some of our friends and fellow singers would not be able to participate in the chorus without a little help. Please consider sponsoring a specific singer that you are aware needs assistance. Or perhaps donate to ensure that there is a place for someone who might not otherwise have someone to ask for assistance. You will be credited as a sponsor in the programs and definitely be adding sunshine to someone's year.

Complete the purchase of this item and then follow-up with an email to [email protected] to let them know whether you are sponsoring someone specific or not. If no email is sent it is assumed the donor is generously giving to the general pot for those in need.

Sponsor a Singer
This is the most common option. It covers a singers entire annual financial obligation.
$500.00 One time
Sponsor a Singer donation of your choosing
Use cases: Maybe you are paying only part of a singer's financial obligation. Maybe you would like to make a larger gesture beyond $500 but want to credit it to your appreciation for a specific singer.
Set your own price
Sponsor a Singer (recurring monthly)
Donations typically only come in at the beginning of the year and during concerts. A Sponsor a Singer subscription ensures the that your donation dollars support the organization throughout the year. It often is a way to support the chorus with a smaller dollar amount each month.
Set your own price

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